Sunday, November 25, 2007

Not Really A Year

Current mood: calm
Category: Life

As you may or may not know, a sabbatical is typically a year long break or break having to do with the Sabbath. Since I really never intended on neither, I decided to return to my writting in this here blogging machine.

I stopped mainly because of one singular life changing event. As all of you probably know, I was married about a month and a half ago. Moving in with my new bride and learning how to live with each other has robbed me of my time to write in here. Happily robbed, willingly even, if you will. Also, they took away MySpace, Facebook AND YouTube at work.

How about we sit down, pour ourselves a nightcap and catch up, shall we? The wedding went off without a hitch. It nearly didn't due to the monsoon that was driving my bride-to-be into a frenzy of pissed off I had never seen, and didn't see. Not seeing the bride until taking pictures had it's advantages.

That's right, I saw her before the actual ceremony temping bad luck and spitting in it's face. We did the pictures beforehand and the rain finally stopped. The ceremony was great, no mistakes were made and Stephanie went through with it.

The honeymoon in Puerta Vallarta was awesome as well. We had heard from many people that one person always is excited to come home. The truth is, we could have lived down their for the rest of the lives if family, careers and money were not an issue.

Moving in together has gone fairly well. I have to use the spare bedroom closet, which shouldn't be shocking to most of you ladies that are reading this. But so far so good, married life is what I expected and maybe even a little more.

I found out today that I have bronchitis. I'm taking antibiotics and anit-cough medicine that makes me drowsy but not enough to make it cool.

That is pretty much all for now.

Currently listening :
Oh Beatrice
By Tacks the Boy Disaster
Release date: 06 November, 2007

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