I also shed the blog of the great people who contributed for a spell here in recent months. Number one is that the participants are on our new Kansas City Politico blog that we will be getting off the ground with the new year. Number two is with the track record and nearly five year history of this being a personal blog, I figured it was time to get back to basics.
The blog, as some of you might remember, used to reside on my twice defunct MySpace page. To be quite honest, part of me wants to abandon Facebook as well. However, what keeps me hanging on is the direct communication between friends and family members I have limited face to face contact with. I'm not a Mafioso superstar, nor am I a prolific virtual farmer. I keeps it real.
This semester I've found myself, I think. I've always known deep down I'm a writer. Now, whether I'm a good writer is yet to be seen. But the idea of me as a photographer or partaking in photography is something of a bug I've caught in the past couple months. I always saw it as something I had to do, or endure, when looking at my audit at Park. Now, it seems like I've find a bit of a passion. I haven't jumped in head first, or even feet first. I'd say my toe is in the water checking the temperature. I have no idea how I would use it, or what I could do with it. Sometimes it is good enough to be cognizant of something raw and new. There aren't many times in life when people can harness something like this and have the latitude to move with it. Right now, I'm just enjoying the ride.
It is, to my dismay, my season of a dosing of reality. I thought my time management skills were sharpened to a fine point, but it seems like next year I have some work to do in that arena. This is fine, because when I get comfortable and 'good' at something, I get lazy. Life has a funny way of making you evolve.
The Homestead
Things at home are evening out. I could do better to not be so snappy with Stephanie, and she's being strong and constantly showing she is the more mature person by being as patient as any human being has even been with a stressed out me. I haven't had time for anything other than things that are not particularly fun, so the residual frustration gets dumped on her. I am currently penning a document to the Vatican for early sainthood. Seriously.
My dogs are eating my house. I just thought I had to throw it out there. But they are the highlights of my life, other than my wife. It sounds cheesy, and maybe it's because I don't have children, but there is something to caring for something that is dependent on you. Missy is still digging, still posing as a menacing trickster in adorable fur, and Ted is my boy. He's over the 100 pound mark, as tall as I am and has the winningest personality of any dog I've met. He's the dude.
Anyway, a return to my old ways with this post. Completely self-absorbed like blogs are supposed to be. With finals looming I can't guarantee that I'll show my face until after the dust has settled, but there will be more frequency since I know the direction everything is going in.
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