Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Return

Current mood: amused
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

Well, I can finally say what I've been waiting to say for about 9 years now, and it is "That movie was fucking great." Not an exclamation, but just a simple fact. I know that F-Bomb may make some of my reader's cringe, however I feel like this movie warrents that word in said statement.

The movie in question is brought to all of us by none other than Writer/Director/Producer/Actor/Editor/Puppeteer (only the most diehard of fans will know what I'm refering to)/Spoken Word Artist (ha) and newest addition to my friends on this lovely site. Of course I'm refering to Kevin Smith and his newest movie "Clerks II." Of course we all know that going back to the well for success won't win him any points for originality, however he needed this movie to reestablish himself as a seminal figure of "my" generation. He's a little before my time as he's approaching middle age, but we're all in this together as far as I can tell.

Let's get one thing straight, ever since I saw Mallrats my sophomore year (I think) of high school I have gone to every one in the theatre opening weekend (with the exception of Chasing Amy, because Sioux Falls and Carmike are pitiful, ANYWAY). So this entry is very biased, but it's not a review, so to hell with it. I have been a huge fan for awhile, I even purchased the new Mallrats 10th anniversary edition of that particular film. It's basically no different than the other one I had spent $30 on 4 years ago, just in a different order. Damn you! And Smith belittles us all for living in our parents' basement, and lets DP Dave Klein speak. But I digress...

This movie should be nothing short of saving Kevin's career, and believe me, I was worried for quite some time. Jay and Silent Bob? Loved it, but not too many other people got it. Jersey Girl? Love that as well, loved the Will Smith cameo, loved that J-Lo bit the big one in the first 15 minutes. That alone should have made this film bigger than Titanic. Seriously.

Of course, you have to see the first one for this second installment to make any sense what-so-ever. Brain O'Halloran is great reprising his role as "Dante Hicks" who is the guy who's own laziness and unwillingness to let good things happen to him paint him as the perfect "why me?" former twentysomething. Jeff Anderson is brilliant stepping into the shoes of "Randal Graves" once again. His flare and attitude make you laugh with glee and leaves you with the thought that you shouldn't be laughing at what he says, but he's so reGoddamndiculously over the top you just can't help it. I've learned that I'm in love with Rosario Dawson as well. Maybe not her, but her character in the movie. I'm sure much to the shagrin of my girlfriend (don't worry, I still love you more ) this will come as a bit of a blow. She plays the part so well, I almost forgot that I was watching a movie. I felt like I was watching someone's real life. When I see Brad Pitt eating chicken with Angelina Jolie and then he starts shooting at her in the next few scenes, I don't fucking buy that. That's Hollywood. This is what Smith does, he demystifies the process and the finished product, and that's why no one likes him as much as Quentin Tarantino (another Miramax stablemate), because he's not as "smart." Don't get me wrong, I love Tarantino, but give Smith his due. He's going to be around for awhile, and God bless him for it.

I don't want to give away any of the movie and spoil it for anyone. But if you read this blog, you have to go see this movie. Or a piano will fall on your head and you will also have bad luck and herpes for the rest of your life. Isn't this how you get people to do stuff on MySpace? Make them forward your shit or you'll die of gonorrhea? That's my understanding anyway.


Big Papi Jr.

P.S. I think I'm obsessed with STD's today...oh well.

Currently watching :
Clerks II

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