Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is it any wonder?

So I'm up too late once again, ready to unleash my meandering palaver onto the internets.

I'm stuck right now. I'm not a big fan of partial birth abortion. But killing the guy who practices it? I suppose his first mistake was thinking he could get away with it in the Midwest and die of "old age," or the state of Kansas more specifically. Between Fred Phelps and Jayhawks, I know I already live too close.

Not to say I've found my stay in the state of Missouri much better. I guess for someone growing up in a state with the population less than half of the city I live in it's a bit of a different beast. It's not to say I'm Woody Boyd, but I guess I could be a bit of a hayseed. However, I am fairly progressive in my thoughts and beliefs. I think it's perfectly fine of gay people to get married, I'm mostly pro-choice because I don't think it's the governments right to tell you want to do with your body, and I'm not particularly religious. But the way people treat one another down here is ridiculous. I'm glad I picked Kansas City and not somewhere out of the Midwest.

After I saw George Tiller had been assassinated all I could say was "what the fuck?" While I think his practice is egregious, it's just my opinion. And while I think my opinion consistently rules, I don't think I've killed someone who has disagreed with my inherent awesomeness. And why is it always crazy ass anti-government or ultra-religious people who pull this sort of crap off? You never hear about the educated, homosexual Atheist killing the preacher of an ultra conservative church for gay bashing do you? As if America needed a bigger reason to avoid religious or anti-government nut jobs as elected officials.

I don't think I'll ever take residence in the state of Kansas, just so when I'm elsewhere in the country I don't have to be looked down on by the rest of the world.


Scowl Face said...

Brian and I came to the same point. Only we said "you never hear of some gay, playwriting, Athiest" shooting some conservative leader. Pretty much the same thing. People astound me...and more and more, not in a good way...

Unknown said...

I agree....on the same tangent to paraphrase Robin Williams's old stand up routine in which he would say you never hear of pot heads going on a killing sprees or Jamaica threatening to invade anyone.

But on the Kansas comment I disagree, not only because I live there, but mainly due to all the states have issues.

I mean look at New York and their issues with their own Government, which was recently called the most ineffective in the nation, or California who proudly brings you Octomom Nadya Suleman.

Do I even need to mention Florida/Ohio elections issue, Texas's Home State hero George Bush and Illinois's corrupt Senators.

All 50 states have their black eyes and things they would rather not be known for.