Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Ok, so I didn't exactly get into anything I was writting about last night. I got on and a few people decided to IM me so I was chatting at the same time as trying to do my update.

Like I said last night, the past week and a half/two weeks have been very hectic, at least under the surface. Usually when things become slightly chaotic in my head, it's news to everyone else. Call it my desire to not burnden anyone else with larger issues. It's not like this issues of mine are bad, per se, just makes for interesting thought.

Also, like I said last night, I couldn't have asked for a better time with Stephanie when she came to town now almost two weeks ago. You know what that means, almost down to two weeks until I go down there...I'm counting the hours. Instead of doing an in depth recap (my better half does that so much better anyway) I'll just stick to the fact that it was a great and relaxing weekend. Not for one minute did I wish I was somewhere else the entire time she was here, which made her leaving the next Tuesday all that much more tough. I will say this, I am a hell of a cook, haha. Well, I'm one for two anyway, in my opinion.

On the subject of moving back home. I guess that was something that needed to be done in my eyes. I'll be much better off when I do move down to the big KC if I can save a few g's over the course of the next year. So, another step taken in the "big plan." The next thing on the menu will be the job switch, which is something I'm really looking forward to, however my company likes to move at a snails pace, so I won't be holding my breath, but I know it's going to happen. Somehow I just have a feeling about all of this, and it's good for once.

I guess I'm going to open up a little bit about this person, since some people that read this are close and personal...Out of anyone I've ever dated or been with (whatever you'd like to call it), she has opened my eyes to a lot of things I never realized about myself. For the longest time after my parents divorce and my upheaval in my family and some poor dating decisions in the past, I really locked myself up tight as of late. I know that sounds like a terrible cliche, however I find that to be a very true and honest assessment of what is going on. Everytime I talk to her, share a moment, or see her it seems to cut away some of the barbwire fencing that I've had wrapped up around me for the past 10 years. I know I'm a guy, and it's seen as not very masculine to talk like this, but it is a very moving thing for me. It's amazing how much emotion you carry, and how long you carry it is equally astounding.

Even thought it's a period of adjustment, I'm very happy with where I'm at in my life now. I wouldn't trade anyone for what I have now, and what it seems I'm on the verge of attaining. Simple as that

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