Monday, September 19, 2005


Ok, so I know it's been awhile by my standards to write on here, but I've had a sort of topsy turvey two weeks.

Stephanie came up to good ol' So Dak two weeks ago. More like a week and a half, but whatever. I will say that we had an excellent time. I like the fact that we can be around each other and not have to constantly entertain each other, we just love each other's company, and that is what is really great. We didn't do a whole lot, because, well there isn't much to do in Sioux Falls. She came over to my Mom's on one of the nights and passed one of our family tests, watching a Nebraska game. I think the wine helped . The few days after that were fairly laid back, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Even though I think on my next trip to KC we'll have a bit more to do. I hated to see her go that Tuesday, but everything is still going so well, I couldn't ask for a better deal, sans distance of course.

Ok, so I'm living at home. I moved back in with my Mom to help me with the above situation. If you can add 2 and 2 and get 4, then you know exactly what I mean. I live in Sioux Falls, she lives in Kansas City, so you do the math. I don't want to comment on this too much, as I'm superstitious.

So I'm sure I'll be writting more as I adjust to the new environment.

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