Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Part Two

Kind of upset right now. My heart completely goes out to those that are affected by the events that have happened over the weekend. I'm sure there are a million and two posts on the blogs across the internet, I just want to say a small piece and be on my way...

It's things like these that really put your life in perspective, you realize how small yet special you are in the scheme of things. You realize that all your little issues and bullshit are just that when you stack it up against the people that have endured what they have the past few days. I sort of feel bad for having the attitude of "well, you live there you deal with the fallout" that I've had for the past week. It's wrong, and I feel guilty for thinking that. It's not right. The poverty rate in New Orleans is pushing 40nd their homes are all they have...

I wish I could do more than just sit here

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