Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Politics, Knees and Aggro

Today was interesting to say the least. After the upside down day yesterday that is best forgotten (for the most part), even though it had it's issues, I'll take it. Work was basically normal, until someone decides to bring up current events. Usually it is quite civil and tame, however today everyone seemed to be against me. Before I'll start I'll call myself a mild complainer. I've really only whined to one person about the subject thus far, so there.

The gulf coast was brought up today which then proceed to spiral out of control to issues spanning from the war to me being a hippy. As far as joining a commune and tending to sheep, I'd say I'm a long ways off from that lifestyle. However, my colleagues were thinking the contrary. To make a long story short I decided to tie in some of the issues regarding the environment that a few policy makers have recently ignored. Thats all, nothing huge! Nowhere did I mention a president, a congressman(woman, if you like) or otherwise. Unfortunatly for me, no one bothered to realize this fact even after explaining it many times over. Also, no one seemed to by into the "global warming = radical shifts in weather" theory which has been proven countless times. Alas, no one subscribed to scientific fact today, and I was publicly scorned, a hippy. Not the first time I've been labeled this. I guess if I care about those types of issues and it makes me one, so be it. If caring about my great-grandchildrens future is wrong, change my name to wavy gravy and by me a Grateful Dead shirt, time to hippy up. By the way, is hippy "ppy" or "ppie?" Let me know...

Then I proceeded to take out my aggression on the treadmill, bike, and weight center at the fitness center where I work.

Kickball was great tonight, pounded the other team 23-9. One bad thing, I messed up my knee quite nicely. They were going for a force out on first and the girl decided she was going to stand in the baseline. Not that I mind or am that upset about it, it's rec league kickball, you don't have to know anything to play. I had an awkward stop on the bag but was safe (hurray!!). The next "at kick" as we'll call it, I kicked a double and tried to stop on second and my knee gave out and I almost slid to the outfield. Now, I have a mildly sprained knee and aggro in my shin. That stuff sucks to pick out of your skin, like I just spent the last 20 minutes doing. Oh yeah, soap on cuts sucks too, if you didn't already know.

But anywho, I'm still in a great mood, and am looking forward to my weekend, and especially next weekend.

And last but certainly by no stretch of the imagination least, I spent an incredible weekend in KC. Of course you should know what that is all about, and I'm not going to go into much detail, but it was very good.

Thanks for listening, and P.S. Go Sox!! 7-5 on the Devil Rays, they need to hurry up and close out the division on the Yankees.

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