Wednesday, August 3, 2005

My First

I'm going to be in the process of transferring my old posts from my MySpace blog, as I'm shutting it down as soon as I've completed this daunting task. Maybe it won't take so long, we'll see.

"So Here I Am"

Apparently, I have no computer skills so we'll try this again...

As I explained 10 minutes ago to the blog entry that is now sailed off into the land of unsaved mistakes by myself (of which there are many) I was a little apprehensive to start anything public like this. I'm not sure if I will keep it this way, maybe some of the more personal ones will be under the banner of "friends only."

So my life is really quite normal for the most part. I have a great 9 to 5 job that I seem to think I'm really good at, and that I enjoy (except for today). I have a great relationship with my family and friends, and could really only ask for a few fences to be mended in that aspect of my life. On the other hand, my relationship couldn't be and more un-normal (making up words as I go) on the surface. Nothing like a little time and distance to raise all sorts of questions for peers. However, only a select few really know how good it actually is, and that we are making strides to someday (and soon) make the most of it. If I could see the future, I'd be counting the days I believe.

So anyway, thus begins my foray into the world of public broadcasting, to my friends (of which there are few) you'll be able to continue to read my thrilling adventures, haha. To those just passing by, happy trails...

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