Monday, August 8, 2005

Okay, That Was Easy

So, here we go again.

"One Day Weekend"

Well, two posts, one week. Not too shabby for me when you get down to it. So tomorrow starts yet another week, which for the most part should be fairly normal. However, the normal week leads into the non-typical weekend when I get to spend time with my "girlfriend" (gotta love the quotes, we'll get used to it someday). It will be a blast, I have no reservations about that, so I guess I'm just saying that I'm really looking forward to it!

Rough times on the home front this weekend. Let's just leave it at the fact that Saturday was a sort of weird/surreal day for me. Too much confrontation and whatnot. Got into it with my room mate (for reasons I'll leave out) for the first time ever. Sort of odd, but it's over and done with and things are normal again. I went out with my brother, his fiance, and their work friends. Alcohol Stupid People = Drama. Never changes, never will.

So anyway, not much to do tomorrow other that go to work, the next few days will be filled up with the "usual" activities, but that's okay, since I seem to enjoy my life quite a bit these days.

Good evening

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