Saturday, February 4, 2006

And you still don't think...

Current mood: restless
Category: News and Politics

...that your president is lying to you?

Here is a quote from President Bush in an apperence in Buffalo NY last April ('05)...I've left the proper punctuation and lack of the letter 'g' at the end of all words that end in 'ing' to properly ensure that you remember how our President is so articulate.

"Now by the way, any time you hear the United States government talkin' about wire tap. It requires, a wire tap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talkin' about chasin' down terrorists, we're talkin' about gettin' a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act. Constitutional guarantees are in place. When it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland because we value the Constitution."

This is something that all Presidents have been doing? Then if that's they case why would he lie, no, go out of his way to lie about this and give the quote above? I've listened to the entire clip, in it's entirety (so don't think that it is a misquote or out of context) and he wasn't even asked any questions about this. He volunteered this information. Why? Because it's what you wanted to hear at that time because people were questioning if the Patriot Act was impeeding on peoples' privacy.


Now that it's been released that your privacy may or may not be invaded. It's not just that it may or may not be, it's that now they have no reguard for your privacy because it's for your own good. It's like your parents telling you not to do something that is good for you, lying about it, then not giving a shit when you know what they are saying is wrong. This administration doesn't care about protecting you. They didn't care in the events leading up to 9/11, so why would they now? Now they are switching gears to cover their behinds and tell you what you want to hear now after it was released that they are wire tapping to catch terrorists. It's a slippery slope folks, where does it end? Government oppression rarely happens over night in a coup or regime change. It takes months and years of feeding you BS to make you believe what they are doing is right so you buy into it. The people that founded this country aren't like the ones that are currently sworn to protect it. Thank about that one for a minute or two. See where I am going with this? I hope so.

Don't be fooled by the news that you watch. Don't be fooled by major media personalities telling what is really going on out there. This administration has the second lowest approval rating of ANY second term post-war president. The first? Nixon, and remember from history class what happened to him kids? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on. Speaking of rocket scientists...

Here is a hot button issue for me. The environment, global warming, something that is realistic and something that will impact our kids and grandkids, and maybe even us. It has been reported that the Bush Administration has tried to intimidate one of the top scientists at NASA. Not a random scientist, I'm talking about a top ranking NASA scientist, and he's been at NASA for almost 30 years and his name is James E. Hanson, directior of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies. He gave a lecture in December of '05 stating that if we do not cut down on the amount of greenhouse gases that we are releasing, the result will be that global warming will become "out of control." So here you have a guy, doing his job and reporting what is happening to our world. This guy more than likely makes a high 6 figure or low 7 figure check a year to study and report on this issue. Who doesn't want to hear about this? That's right, everyone's favorite President! Oh wait, I'm sorry. 41 percent of America's favorite President. At least according to the latest Gallup poll published in USA Today. This also happened with someone working for this administration Phillip Cooney (sp?) from the White House Counsel on Environmental Quality, he was the chief of staff mind you, he took out all of the bad stuff on their reports and smoothed it over. Pretty neat huh? So I'm going to encourage anyone who reads this and feels that maybe they are being cheated and lied to, to click on the link below and do something small about it.

Stop Global Warming

If not, no big deal, not everyone can do something I guess. It's easier to sit back and be complacent and apathetic about things that are going on in the world. However, when it all catches up to us the people that thought they couldn't do more will be the ones who are left asking, "what could I have done to help?"

Stay tuned for "our" administrations actions that have to do with war profiteering and how it's nothing short of treason.

Bet this one left you warm and fuzzy, didn't it?

Currently listening :
Rage Against the Machine
By Rage Against the Machine
Release date: By 10 November, 1992

4:39 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


uggg, He makes me cringe

Posted by Jami on Saturday, February 18, 2006 at 4:17 PM
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