Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Truth

Current mood: tired
Category: Life

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! The truth is...this entry will be short. Really, you say? You're saying, "I'll be able to read this and not just give up because I'll get lost in having to read too many words?" That's right folks, this entry is for those that don't have a lot of time in their day to read my crazy thoughts.

So just as I was about to close up shop for the day, I felt the need to write a little diddy. Today was a good day to not do much. Sometimes I like the solitude of being away from family and friends, recharge myself and get ready to face the next week. This weekend was quite entertaining though. The hightlight was catching my new friends band play. Just a sidenote, aren't new friends awesome? I'm not a crazy stalker nutcase, I promise. I just like meeting new people that I can actually talk to about things I like. Another individual, who is actually married to my fiance's co-worker friend, is a great person to watch college basketball or any sport with (another great interest of mine). Anywho, the show itself (back to that), was very entertaining. Their original work is quite good and is very refined, however not to the point of being mechanical. They play off of each other very well and put on a good show. It was capped off by a medly of Abby Road tunes, which was excellent. They cover the Beatles very well. "She Said, She Said" is one of my favoritue (UK reference) tracks off the "Revolver" album, which they played toward the middle of their set. For the record though, it was their orginal songs that impressed me the most.

So, yes, today was lazy and unproductive yet productive all at the same time. Now I am going to retire to my bed for a little reading and a little more rest and relaxation.


Currently listening :
Return to the Sea
By Islands
Release date: 04 April, 2006

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