Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Let's Try This Again?

Current mood: aggravated
Category: Life

So last night I tried to write a little something regarding the fallout from my epic post on Sunday. Epic compared to any previous post I've written personally that is. Then, MySpace ate my homework. To summarize said lost entry, I felt that it is difficult to erase your past and that people that say they live without regret are only fooling the fools. Then I would go on to say that I've found myself blah blah blah. Obviously the tone of this entry is going to be different from that of last night because my thoughts and feelings have completely changed on the subject. I'm all over the map like that when it comes to what is going on between my ears.

So in writing something very positive and very relevant to my state of mind presently, it did bring back some residual negativity regarding past relations. No one completely washes their hands of past relationships gone bad, and I am no exception. This all led into the following. I'm a very literal dreamer, everything that I can recall the next day is something that is not too far fectched from reality. Although come to think of it, Ben Affleck was in my dream on Sunday night, which strangely enough happens more often than I would like to admit. To make a long story short I was banished back to living in Sioux Falls, same old job, same old people. This does not include people that I am still in contact with in Sioux Falls of course. When I say "old people" I'm referring to those that wouldn't be reading this.

I've always wanted to get away from Sioux Falls. For some reason I made it a habit of shooting myself in the foot to prevent myself from getting away. Or maybe I was just looking for the right reason. I don't even really like going back there that much now, I'd just assume everyone come down here to see me. I can be sort of a prick like that. I'm surprised that most people I know still like me at all. (Sob).

To get things back on track, I've greatly disliked almost everyone I've had a serious relationship with. Why? I think I had a shitty taste in women for a long time. I always went for chicks (yeah, chicks) with a bitchy disposition. I thought it was sexy. I was sort of a dumbass. Every one of them carried the weight of the world on their backs and relied on me for their emotional stability, or instability. That was stupid, I'm such a sucker.

This entry resembles nothing like that of the entry I wrote last night. In fact, I hate this entry. I hate it a lot, the only thing is that I've wasted a lot of time on this subject and while I considered not even posting it I'm going to anyway.

Why all the Neko case you ask? Stephanie and I are going to see her on Friday and I'm really excited.

Currently listening :
The Tigers Have Spoken
By Neko Case
Release date: By 09 November, 2004

11:08 PM - 3 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


I just got all caught up on the latest season of red vs blue, that shit is hilarious. Anyways for something a little more relivent, yes you did have shitty taste in women and yes most of them did seem like bit**es, but ,at least in my scewed opinion, most of them were at least decent looking. And hope im not crossing any boundries here, but even a shlump like you made another step up with Stephanie, she seems like a catch. Let's just hope Cory and I can both find ones just as good. And for the record i think we are all shlumps, so dont take it the wrong way.

Posted by Derek on Tuesday, April 03, 2007 at 11:57 PM
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no need to be PC my friend, if you would like to refer to me as a "shlump" (which seems to be a cross between a shlub and a chump, nice one) then go right ahead.

Posted by Zach on Tuesday, April 03, 2007 at 11:59 PM
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Big JC

I don't think you can blame yourself for not escaping Sioux Falls, very few of us have been able to accomplish it. Just when you think you have, bam, there you are, back again. I equate it to the Matrix. I mean, christ, look at me, I had to get married to stop the pull back to South Dakota.

Posted by Big JC on Wednesday, April 04, 2007 at 7:13 AM
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