Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Event I Never Made It To

Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life

So here I am again, writing in here because my day is grinding to a hault. Listening to U2 always now reminds me of one person and one person alone. No, not Bono or my friend Pat who is the worlds biggest U2 fan, but it's about the person that historically has appeared no less than 57,278 times in the blog since I joined MySpace, this of course is my lovely and talented fiance Stephanie.

U2 was always a dicey choice for music after the spring of 2001. Not for any big reason, "our song" wasn't a U2 song, nothing like that. We dated for a little while in the winter/spring of 2001 while she was still at Northwest Missouri State and I was back in South Dakota. She was going to come up to Sioux Falls to go to Minneapolis in May 2001 to go see U2 with me. My Uncle Jay had landed his companies suite for the concert, and I invited her in February to go with.

To make a long story short, we never did make it to May and we never did make it to U2. I did, however, go with a friend of mine from work and my friend Pat bought 2 tickets and decided it would be a good idea to bring my ex-girlfriend along. I was in a daze the entire show because I had ditched the person I wanted to be there with, but rather than dealing with the situation head on, I decided to ignore her and move on because I knew it couldn't work out because of a lot of extenuating circumstances.

Life is funny how things fall into place. You never think lines like that are of any sort of relevence when you are growing up, because you take most things for granted. But that's life, if everyone started out with any kind of foresight, there wouldn't be any glorious mistakes to build upon. And what fun would life be? Back to my point...

For some reason, the occasional email to keep up or mass email to let everyone know in our address book that we were moving kept a small little tie to one another for the next 4 years. Until one day I decided to be a man and talk to someone I knew I had a great connection with, someone who was second to none on who I thought knew me like no one else. Now she's going to be my wife.

I'd like to think that our relationship is unique and like none other, who doesn't want to think that right? However, it is unique in the fact that when we had to risk everything to take a shot at something that wasn't the safest bet in the world we put everything in the middle and took the house. We didn't meet under normal circumstances and the facets of our bond was never normal. Normal meaning the pretences that most people meet, fall in love, and get married sort of way. We really had to want it, we really had to work for it, and now we have it.

There is no greater feeling of accomplishment than any other even I've seen through to the end than this. And I'm sure we are darn glad we did it.

*******************Addition, Update, Whatever*****************

So Stephanie has this online journal thing that I have occasionally gone back to read, just for shits and giggles. Tonight I did something I haven't done yet, which is go back and read everything from when we were together back in 2001. I read through it all, the good and the bad. All I can say right now is that I feel like I weight about 2000 pounds. I'm in furthur disbelief on how things have worked out. Strange that one of the happier moments in my life is at my desk at work, haha!

All I want to do now is curl up in bed with her and never ever ever let her go :o)

Currently listening :
All That You Can't Leave Behind
By U2
Release date: By 31 October, 2000

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There was once a comment here from my friend Kyle, who decided to pass on in the world of MySpace.


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