Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I was told I could blog here....

I guess the admin wanted to pull in more of the tween audience since that is where my intellectual capability usually reside, Like OMG that Twilight was like the best move EVA!!! But seriously...I like to think of myself as an opinionated ass that while I might not always be right I'm always willing to tell you why I feel that way if your willing to tell me why I'm right.

I like others on this site have some disdain for the mainstream media and the status quo, but I lack the elqounce that they have in voicing their opinion, so I'm more of a comentator and occasionally I would throw something out there for the pleps to read and comment on. Almost all my thoughts and observations are based on issue in the public realm and politics. Occasionaly I might throw soemthing out a little more personal, but we shall see.

Well, I'm at work and I need to earn my paycheck...I shall hopefully have something else posted on here by the end of the day depends on if I have the time.

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