Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well, this took less time than I originally estimated.

Today, for those not in the know, is tax day. Where you willingly pay in, because if you didn't have to you've already filed and have probably spent your tax money. It happens every year, and just like Christmas it brings pain and misery to all but is easily covered by mass quantities of booze or other mood altering substances.

The significance of today, is the angry, middle-aged white American's took the day off to protest tax increases. Seems like a noble cause to me, I'm surprised I didn't hear about it until earlier today from my wife who also learned of this phenomenon today as well.

We are in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Hoax? I'm not sure. I lost my job at the end of October and had a job by the beginning of December and was back to work to ring in the new year.

So in protest of corporate bailouts, handouts and (eek!) socialism, mostly Caucasian men and women lined streets in cities across the country and made their voices heard. In Kansas City more than about 3,000 people gathered at Liberty Memorial to air their grievances to the man. What does this tell me? That less than one percent of Kansas Citians either don't care or know better.

Taking a queue from other white, middle-aged men over two hundred years ago, they protested by not dumping consumable products into Boston Harbor they were being taxed too much for, but by getting riled up from watching too much Fox News. Har, har, too easy I know.

Here is the problem, and my point. If you make less than $250,000 you actually got some tax breaks and or will get tax breaks. Right? Do I agree with how they are spending the money? No, but ignorance bothers me. A lot. I wonder if Rupert Murdoch loves watching people jump and dance on command.

If there were a larger market for Fox to become a liberal news outlet, you'd wake up tomorrow with a loving retrospective on Karl Marx, or the daring and heroic life of John Reed. You thought they were in it to be fair and balanced? Wake up. It's about money, it has been for the past 30 years. Now get with it. They don't care about your right-wing political beliefs.

Where were these people last October or November when Bush was pushing his last minute, final kiss off before leaving office, giving of Wall Street nearly $785,0000,000,000? I have more of an issue with giving tax money to guys who sell bullshit as opposed to actual commodities. I can touch and feel a car. You can get laid because of your car, or in it at least. You can't drive a credit default swap.

Now people want to wet their pants about businesses being bailed out. Right wingers want to complain that their small businesses wouldn't be bailed out if they failed. When it was their guy doing it? Cricket. Cricket. Cricket. Which brings me to this.

You are all being played. You (both sides mind you) are suckers in a grand scheme to rob you blind. You are painting each other with brushes created by hogs with the stink of cash and fine wine on their breath. Brushes made in Indonesia for nine cents a day of course. It's the American way.

You've all made your bed, and now you have to lie in it. Catch the double entendre? There will be no socialism, there will be no fascism. Things will swing back the other way more violently and suddenly thea the last time in four or eight years time. Meanwhile the real crooks stay in Washington because no one wants to get off life support for cash in their districts and impose term limits on congressmen. All the while the real people at the top will be pissing into solid gold toilets (true story, Google Meryl Lynch scandal) and lighting Cuban cigars with hundred dollar bills, Rush. The pied piper.

The Tax Day Tea Party website features CNN "failing" while trying to get a story. She (the correspondent) presents the interviewee, with his kid in tow no less, with facts that the state of Illinois gave him a tax break, provided he makes under a quarter mil. Rather than answer the question, he babbles some frothy rant about Abe Lincoln wanting people to be free, blah, blah, blah. The poor woman almost gets hit with picket signs while trying to do her job. I love they took a shot at it being anti-CNN because Sean Hannity's troops were leading the rally. But come on, she is a liberal.

Read the comments on the page. Unbelievable. The wool over the eyes of everyone throwing stones from both sides has to be suffocating.

I weep for the future.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was almost going to go down there till I heard that Fox News and allot of Conservative groups were hijacking legitimate tax protests to turn it political or should I say Anti-Obama. I keep telling my brother who is still living in ignorance that attacking Obama as a means to show people that our politicians are corrupt is a waste of time since you are alienating half the population, but he wont listen he keeps eating up the drivel that Fox News and all those conservative talk show hosts spoon feed him thinking they are not part of the whole big circus that sole purpose is to distract him while the owners fleece you.