Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Small Droppings

Current mood: blank
Category: Writing and Poetry

Unlocking that door in your mind is something I have difficulty with some days, shit most days. It's a constipation of words. Searching for my bottle of Pepto-Bismol can get tricky. Some days I do find my container of chalky pink goodness. Everyone is born with a certain level of creativity and is generally shown through ones childhood. Some are able to lock on to it and develop, others let it go completely at adolescence. I sort of just kept an eye on it, and it kept its eye on me. Now I think I'm setting a trap for it, but right now I'm the equivalent of Elmer Fudd trying to catch Bugs Bunny.

When I write it's all very literal. The music is bad, the Red Sox are in first place, and my 7th grade girlfriends were all older than me. I've always had it in me, I thought, to write creatively for something that is not entirely non-fictional. There has always been a part of me though that holds me back because it's stupid, or not creative enough. Most of you have either emailed or left nice compliments about my writing in my blog. First, thank you. Second, I'm not sure if I have a "gift" or not. Comments like that scare me. I don't know how to handle it because of the fear of someone who is better than me telling me my ability to write is shit and I should stop for the sake of intelligent humanity. I know I've practiced quite a bit at the introspective work. If you go back and read some of my original posts from when I got on MySpace (or did MySpace get on me?) they are short, incoherent, and poorly written. Now, I'm a little long in the keyboard for most people is the main complaint. I'm purposely trying. To. Shorten my. Sentences.

I wrote a story when I was 12 that contained no less than 120 pages of written manuscript on college rule notebook paper. It was about a young warrior coming of age that collected magical stones and could travel through time, even to the modern day. I tried to use it as a reflection of me starting middle school and my desire to travel back to when I was a kid finger painting and wanting to travel forward to see what I was like as an adult. I'm not kidding, I was quite the self aware little pre-pubescent child. I'm not sure what happened to it (the story, not the awareness). It was a cross between Quantum Leap, The Legend of Zelda, and Indiana Jones. It also sported illustrations that would make Napoleon Dynamite jealous.

I'm pretty sure my days of scribing choose your own adventure type books were completed with that story. Maybe the sunburn on the top of head is getting to me. Strange yet beautiful music has always inspired me to weird heights in my head. A friend told me music is very liberating at the risk of sounding like a hippy. I do my best to make all my friends feel dumber than I. Just kidding. It's just the ability to blah blah blah them all out onto a page. Or what Microsoft tells me is a page.

Anyway, I just wanted to make my adoring public aware of my creative impotence today.

But wait! There is more! For those who have faithfully subscribed to my blog, a reward is in order. You see, when I do manage to sqeeze out a sample or something fictional, you will be the only ones to read it! So, if you would like to not only read about my life, but my fictional musings you can subscribe to this blog and I will make you a PREFERRED reader!

Currently listening :
By Animal Collective
Release date: By 18 October, 2005

3:28 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


I'm not ALREADY preferred? PSHA!

Posted by MontERNa on Wednesday, May 09, 2007 at 6:13 PM
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