Wednesday, May 16, 2007

You What???

Current mood: guilty
Category: Pets and Animals

It all starts at a young age. For kids that are urban or suburban, you don't ever make the connection. Dinner is served and you generally don't ask questions. More often than not, kids question the vegetables that are placed in front of them rather than the meat. It even shows up in cartoons, mother hens quietly laying eggs in the henhouse while they knit on their nests. Ah, farm fresh American food, there's nothing quite like it. Or is there? The milk you drink, the eggs you eat, and the meat you consume aren't raised by an independent farmer and his family any longer. They are raised by corporate farms whose employees more than likely have no regard for what they are doing. Also, kids that used to grow up on farms are replaced by suburban kids that aren't tough anymore. Even city kids used to go to the butcher to see how it was done when my Grandpa was a kid in Omaha, Nebraska. Not anymore. If they knew where that hot dog came from they may put it down.

Now, I ate a chicken sandwich no more than two hours ago. Why the sudden change? I always feel like shit after I'm done eating meat. So it has to do with that first and foremost. I'm tired of being unhealthy. I'm tired of being 5'10" and 250. Secondly, I do disagree with the methods and practices perpetuated by meat packers and processing plants. I've done some research the past few weeks and what I found was disturbing and disgusting. Most people don't want to know how the sausage is made. And, yes, thirdly it's because of the thought of a live creature living in inhumane conditions being killed in an inhumane manor so I can eat a cheeseburger.

So am I now a vegetarian? I'm not sure. How deep does this new thing go? I'm not sure about that either, it's only two hours old. So am I a giant pussy now? That may be, in your opinion. But you keep following the herd, that's ok with me. Some that will read this will probably think I'm off my rocker and will even leave a comment or two making fun of me. That's ok, I'm cool with that. I'm always more comfortable when people disagree with me.

People die from cancer every year at an alarming rate. With all the chemicals we push in to our bodies every year is it that surprising? We are looking for the cure but maybe it's just as simple as not eating overly processed food. How many of you would give up how you eat if you found out that certain foods caused cancer? If the FDA said McDonald's French fries caused pancreatic cancer would you stop eating them? If the cure for cancer was getting up off your ass, would you do it? I don't want to come off as self righteous, however the glaring reality is that we, as Americans, are lazy. Yes, even the physically fit ones, because I didn't say lazy fat people.

So how long will this last? I would like to think that this is not a seasonal type thing. I'm hoping to change some habits to reflect more of my personal convictions. It may be a challenge, but I need something challenging in my life. i'm not going to get preachy. If you want to eat me that's fine with me. Don't worry, I'm not going to become a card carrying Peta member, because I think their tactics are deplorable, even though I agree with the message and the premise of their organization. I'll end on this… When I lived in Sioux Falls I was driving by the meat packing plant and a truck pulled up next to a trailer full of baby pigs about to go to the stockyards. They looked like little pink puppies crawling on each other and playing around. I stopped eating pork for like a month.

If you knew where your "healthy" chicken on your salad came from, would you eat it? Look it up, I dare you.

Currently listening :
Furnace Room Lullaby
By Neko Case & Her Boyfriends
Release date: By 22 February, 2000

5:04 PM - 3 Comments - 3 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


I often criticize women for doing everything together, ie going to the bathroom together, etc. but wouldnt it be nice if guys were a little more like that when it came to things like getting in shape and doing healthier things like eating right? Lifes choices are always easier when you've got someone to back you up or they are right there with you attempting the exact same feat. I wish you were still in sioux falls and we could be like food and athletic buddies and push eachother to stick with it, maybe then we'd get more done. Instead i remember we'd just ride to taco bell together and get junkfood...

Posted by Derek on Wednesday, May 16, 2007 at 8:23 PM
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Thumbs up on the healthier choices! (+2 kudos)

Thumb (yes, singular) down on assuming that ALL meat comes from horrid conditions. I grew up the granddaughter and daughter of ranchers who raised Black Angus cattle with nothing but vaccinations. I was also just back in MT - had an amazing steak made from a cow (or steer) that was raised by one of the ranchers in attendance. I could go on and on and on re: this issue, but I have to get back to work. :) (-1 kudo)

Kudo total = 1. Hee hee hee.

Posted by MontERNa on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 at 2:28 PM
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I think it comes down to more of where did the meat come from? Mystery meat is something I'll be staying away from. Healthy free range meat will still be consumed by me. I just won't be eating as much of it and replacing it with some healthier options. This entry was a very "in the moment" type entry.

Posted by Zach on Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 10:27 AM
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