Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tick Tock, Tick Tock

Current mood: angry
Category: News and Politics

My friend John and I banter back and forth about a lot of things at work. This isn't an entry constructed from the ground up, but rather excerpts strung together from a few emails in an attempt to make an entry. I was mad, pissed off and not in my best form for writing. However, I make no apologies for it.

Our local ABC affiliate KMBC, breifly announced two troops from Ft. Riley died in Iraq before leading in to their extensive coverage regarding one Paris Hilton. These are my rants that ensued to John when he informed me of this...

I've been fired up about this for awhile. People are so devoid of thought in this country that they don't want to put up with the confusion. They are either on one side like a co-worker of mine, who blindly follow who they vote for because of religion (or some other issue), or people that are our age that don't care because they are too self absorbed to invest the time to learn something of importance. All I hear from people my age is "I don't like politics man, it's all bullshit." Well, it's only bullshit because that's what you've allowed it to become. We have freedom as a society to choose what we can pay attention to, but that freedom has allowed a majority of people to ignore real issues that affect them every day. Politicians want you to believe that the issues at hand are so horrible and difficult to understand that they are the only people for the jobs. When in all actuality those issues never get resolved. This is the problem I have with people like this particular co-worker and my Mom that vote for Republicans because they vote for pro-life or abolishing gay marriage. But what has happened? Abortion is still legal and gay people can get married. So what did your vote accomplish? Tax cuts? People were so enamored with the fact that they got $300 for tax cuts post 9/11. Well fuck a doodle-doo!!!! That doesn't even cover my gas for three months. It doesn't cover people for the shoddy health care in this country if something bad happens to them. Oh, your son has leukemia? Sorry, your insurance company doesn't cover that, you'll have to file bankruptcy. Oh, you can't file bankruptcy anymore? Then I guess we'll just sue you and garnish your check for the next 158 years. Those tax cuts benefit the people at the top in the 1% of our population. You know how many people comprise that 1%? 3 million people out of 300,000,000 in case you don't have a calculator on you.

But the same things happen with Democrats. They were so sick of the war and our President's posturing, they're going to bring our troops home if you elect them!! So what did they do last month? Signed a bill for funding, that non-binding agreement you may have heard about, with NO TIMELINE to end the war. Basically they stabbed everyone in the back that voted for them. So what do you get? Guys that send our troops into a country that didn't have much of ANYTHING to do with terrorism at the time, or guys that will bend over and fund the jerks that put them there in the first place. No one will stand up and make them accountable. If you stand up to either side, you're either with the terrorists or with the Republicans.

You know what? I stand on my own, because I have the ability to think for myself and want to change things that go on. I'd love to do something like that, because I'm sick of turning on the news and trying to learn about something only to have it interrupted by Paris Hilton getting out of jail. Fuck that. I want real news. I want real reactions from people. 9/11 happened almost 6 years ago and already something has happened that I knew would happen that day. Our attention spans are so short, we'll lose the gravity of this ordeal in 2 years, maybe less. I was right. All these things happened on this administrations watch, and yet we still send them back to make the same decisions. Why? Because people are too stupid to pay attention to anything and do things out of fear. Politicians in power will use the most tragic event in recent American history to sway your vote so they can keep their jobs. We invade a country that has nothing to do with us being attacked, but us attacking that country has everything to do with us potentially getting attacked in the future. Invading Iraq is like if North Korea bombed us and then we invaded Cambodia. It's dumb, so dumb that it hurts my brain when I try to wrap my head around it.

Instead, people seek to "entertain" themselves by dropping out of anything that happens. You want to sit around and laugh at the Daily Show and the Colbert Report and laugh at our government while nothing gets done about it. People can create shows like Lil' Bush, and you'll watch it and like it because it makes fun of the President, yet it accomplishes nothing. While you waste your time watching shows like this and pretending like that is sticking it to the man, billions of dollars get wasted on a war while our infrastructure is compromised in the realm of health care, public schools, and basic priorities that we as a country should be focused on. George Clooney isn't going to save you. Bob Geldof isn't going to throw you a benefit concert with a resurrected John Lennon or George Harrison to reunite the Beatles for you either.

This is what is wrong with some elements that make up America. People are so willing to be detached from reality that they need to get away and submerge in the world of Paris Hilton or any other person that is not and should not be relevant to the rest of the world. We are so caught up as a society in entertainment that we forget that these people aren't going to save our country, aren't going to pay our bills or raise our kids, and certainly won't make any good decisions for us.

I hate hate HATE the fact that people have so much interest in the Paris Hilton thing that she's allowed to go on Larry King and talk about how horrible it was to be in jail for 23 days. 23 days!! Women go longer between their periods than she spent in jail! Learning experience my left toe, she wasn't in with GP at a penitentiary, she was in her own little bubble in county jail! Anyone could do that. She probably even got a toilet seat. I could go on and on, but I loose all ability to articulate because I get so mad that we put so much stock in people that make movies, TV shows, music, or whatever it is that Hilton did to get famous. Oh, this is just precious. One of her quotes was that stripping down before she was placed in jail was the most humiliating moment in her life. SHE MADE A SEX TAPE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE SAW ON THE INTERNET AND DVD!!! You've got to be fucking kidding me. Short attention span indeed. She should be happy though, having to get naked twice is making her a bigger star than anyone could have imagined. I'm becoming increasingly convinced she is the Anti-Christ. And you thought it would be a man. Think about that one for awhile.

Currently listening :
The Greatest Songs of Woody Guthrie
By Woody Guthrie
Release date: By 16 September, 1991

1:51 AM - 4 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove



Posted by Stephanie on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 4:28 PM
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Bottom line: Paris is hot, politics are not. I wish with all my might that our society didn't behave this way. We need to get out and act instead of needing to be "entertained" all of the hours we spend away from our bread and butter jobs. Everything is grossly commercialized. Even the condensed coverage we recieve on pertinent topics is steered to what the media wants us to see, and what helps out their cause and best intrests. I saw a picture once, right after Katrina, that made my stomach churn- a dead guy sitting in his lawn chair. Ok buddy, hope that shot made you a famous photographer.

Good blog.

Posted by Cory on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 8:12 PM
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Yep its just to distract us , dumb us down , so we really have no idea what is REALLY going on . Thats my thought anyway

Posted by Jami on Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 9:43 PM
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