Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Uptown Boy

Current mood: tired
Category: Music

Last night I attended a packed concert in Kansas City at the Uptown Theater. On tap for last nights performance is a band that many veterans of this blog know to be one of my favorite new bands. That band I'm referring to of course is Bloc Party.

I'm not going to mention the first opening act because I don't remember their name. They are a band that sounded sort of like Bloc Party, if Bloc Party sucked. My fiancé pointed out that the bass player looked out of place because he had short hair and was tall. It was almost like he had just come from basketball practice. I know I'm being harsh, so I'll say that they were ok and the sounded one dimensional. You know those bands that open at concerts, all their songs generally song like one long song during their set.

The next opening act has a little more notoriety than the first no-name band. The Noisettes are another band from the U.K. and displayed a little more musical fortitude than the previous band. I had heard of them and read some articles and interviews, but never listened to any of their material. They played the Coachella Music Festival this year and have been on Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show on CBS. At first, I thought they were a little gimmicky with the band's lead singer, Shingai Shoniwa, coming out in a mohawk and neon green lycra and spitting water out like Gene Simmons spits blood. The actual music is straight forward rocky-type music with a puck attitude. I've always had an affection for power trio bands so I was optimistic as the set was unfolding. The band played for about 35 minutes, entertained me and scared my fiancé. They didn't sound polished live, so I'm interested in picking up some of their music to hear their recorded work. After all, that is the point of touring to generate interest in your music no?

After both bands had finished their sets and another long sound check took place, the headliners took the stage. Bloc Party is a very tight band on stage and did not deviate from the sound and feel of their recordings. They didn't waste a lot of time throwing any curveballs at the audience and the crowd, made up of mostly hardcore fans, seemed to appreciate this. Most of the set list comprised of songs from both of their full length albums. They played with a great deal of energy and seemed to thrive off of the audience participation that lead singer and primary song writer Kele Okereke induced. My companion said he "sure is a big fan of rhythmic clapping and jazz hands." That's why I'm marrying this girl.

One thing I noticed while watching the whole affair from my seat in the balcony* is that their songs contain more hooks than your grandfather's tackle box. These guys from London know how to write great pop music that is legitimate enough to be appreciated by indie-rock fans and lovers of good music. You can hear the influences they pull from and I have discovered over the past few years I related to the music immediately because those influences are rooted in the time period that I grew up and came of age in. It is interesting to listen to bands that are peers on an age level and pick out how they have certain flavors to their music that are easily recognizable.

The fifth member (there are four members of Bloc Party) of the performance was definitely the "light show" that was going on behind the band. It was synced up to the music which put a stamp on the music that was being performed. It's not like it was a Pink Floyd laser light show or anything, but it was still interesting. There were 8 bars (that lit up with different colors) that made sort of an upside down 'U' and only the two on the outside did not have floodlights fixated on the top and bottom, two lights per side. Behind the drum riser they had two colored strobe lights that looked like oversized air vents. Very entertaining. However, if you were epileptic, you'd be up shit creek without a paddle. I love little eccentricities (or larger ones) that add to the performance of competent musicians that know how to put on a show.

I would see them again if they come back to Kansas City. Given their following and potential after their first two LP's, I would imagine that will be soon. If they come near you I would definitely recommend seeing them live. So, Erin if you read this before tonight get down to the Ogden Theatre in Denver to catch them and take in a show. They won't let you down, I promise.

*I've probably seen hundreds of shows in my day, and I've spent my fair share of time up front battling people near the stage. Now that I'm old and Stephanie hates the smell of BO and pot, I spend most of my time enjoying concerts from the comfort of my seat. Don't try to make fun of me, because my feelings get hurt easily.

Currently listening :
By The National
Release date: By 22 May, 2007

2:44 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


Yay Bloc Party! I really think that guy was a cheerleader in a past life. He's got the goods.

Dammit, now I'm late for kickboxing! See what you entries do!

Posted by Stephanie on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 at 5:17 PM
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